Georgetown College

Launched 2017

Project Summary

Georgetown College is a private university in Georgetown, Kentucky. In the spring of 2017, we were contacted by their marketing department to begin work on a complete overhaul of their main website. We launched the full website in the Fall of 2017.

Project Type

Website Design & Development

Project Completed

Fall 2017

Technologies Used
  • Drupal 7 (CMS)
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Javascript/jQuery
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • InVision
  • Balsamiq


History & Research

We had a prior relationship with Georgetown from completing two smaller web projects for other departments: one for marketing to prospective students and another for their Marshall Center program. These projects allowed Georgetown to see examples of our work on a small scale, while also allowing NLD to gain valuable insights into how the college worked internally.

When we were approached about a full redesign, the first thing we asked about was how they wanted to organize their site. The existing site at the time was a combobulation of Wordpress sites with varying levels of admin control and thematic consistency; and moving forward, it would make be much easier if the site was under one umbrella. But how do you consolidate content down into a distilled form? We had a series of long discussions with Georgetown stakeholders from marketing, web and academics to start, and then began the process of creating sitemaps and wireframes to visually organize their thoughts.

Figure 01. A site map that was produced for client review. This document shows every proposed page on the website, and how we would structure it on the back end in Drupal.<br>