Drupal blocks

One of the key ways of customizing Gutenberg is the ability to embed Drupal blocks as Gutenberg blocks. In Drupal, almost everything on the site gets rendered inside of a block, which means practically anything on the site is accessible from inside Gutenberg.

This includes things like the breadcrumb,


or even views:

Ryan Developer | Project Manager
CJ Developer
Krista Designer | UX Consultant
Miles Developer
Donna Founder | Manager
Wendell Founder | Project Manager | Developer

Enabling Drupal blocks

Not every block is available in Gutenberg by default. Like Gutenberg itself, Drupal blocks are exposed to Gutenberg on a per-content-type basis. To do this, edit the content type of your choice, then click on the "Gutenberg Experience" vertical tab at the bottom of the page. You will see an accordion labelled "Allowed Drupal Blocks". Select all the Drupal blocks you want available in Gutenberg then you can save the content type.

Example of configuring Drupal blocks for Gutenberg

You should now see a list of Drupal blocks available in the Gutenberg block browser:

List of Drupal blocks in Gutenberg

In part 5 of this series, we will examine how to create custom, reusable groups of Gutenberg blocks called patterns.